Thursday 12 February 2015

Rough Cut and Audience Feedback

This is our rough cut for our opening. When making this a large amount of our filming was seen to be in slow motion, as this represented the theme of the opening 'stalking', this emphasizes how stalking is done over a long period of time, as the stalker wants to gather information on the victim, getting to know their daily life routine. A variety if shots were also used to film props such as a knife, which we decided to take out as we felt this would give to much of the storyline away. To begin we used an establishing shot as this shows the setting and environment the stalker and victim would be seen in creating a sense of realism. However i filmed two different locations and chose to use the second location as the quality of the setting and shot were much better than the first, as the first was seen to be too short and too blurry. In the establishing shot we also tried to try and include half of the street in order to set the scene and allow the audience into clues, however we had to cut down the clip as we felt as if it dragged and would of made the audience lose concentration and become bored.

In our rough cut we planned to use a close up image of a knife. However we chose to take this out of our opening as we felt the storyline would have been given away. Also the shot would have shown a sense of physical violence which is not the theme of our opening, and we therefore didn't want to take the focus away from the original story line.

In our rough cut we used the font and effect Pull focus however we changed this to soft edge. Pull focus blurred the image to make the text the focus. However our aim was to make the image behind the text to be the main focus to the audience, as it fits our storyline therefore the blur of the image took the impact away from the image. Whereas the soft edge had a more of a delicate touch.

Also in our rough cut we also had no music as we had not created our sound track as we was creating a sense of the film as,  we was not sure on the type of music we wanted to create a sense of stalking. As we wanted the music to be soft to create a sense of sympathy for the young victim.

Audience Feedback
All of our class viewed our rough cut and gave us feedback on what was effective and identified where there was room for improvement, here are some of our classes feedback;

Narrative is Clear
Good use of camera work with a variety of shots, especially in the scenes of the young girl held hostage
Good and clear storyline which relates well to the target audience
Good use of match on action and establishing shots.

Edit the scenes of the victims movement to creates the sense of  realism
Edit the fonts used as they were a bit to bulky
Cutting from one scene to the next needs to flow more smoothly

All negative feedback has been taken into consideration and will be changed and improved. We edited some camera shots and movements. We cut some down as they were seen to be too long which created a sense of tension, however we also lengthened some shots as this creates a sense of suspense. All the feedback negative as well as positive has had a major impact on our opening extract, and created a whole new range of ideas that we experimented with.

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