Monday, 9 March 2015

Target audience

Target audience;

We are aiming at an 18+ this is because we want our film to contain some violence and disturbing scenes that could have a devastating effect on a younger audience as these acts of antisocial behavior, violence and drugs.
We also want to create a confusing and stressful sequence of narratives and flashbacks that a younger generation may not be able to understand but also may cause them some disturb. The purpose of this is to create a typical thriller that use enigmas and foregrounds the climax.
Looking at the expectations of for an 18+ certificate in line with the findings of 'BBFC's', consolations and the human rights act 1998. There are usually scenes with strong violent language, sexual nature and explicit violence. We therefore are going to focus on the categories of an 18+ certificate.

We are targeting our thriller on a local based audience as we are awaring them of the of the dangers that do occur daily in the local neighborhoods. We also want to inform people of the different scenarios and challenges these victims are challenged with and the reality of these devastating events. This is a film thats in the crime thriller genre.

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