Friday, 21 November 2014

Se7en Analysis

This frame is a picture of a young boy, the mysterious character has drew a line across his face; then in the next frame  his whole face is shown scribbled out. This could make the audience think that the child maybe a victim of the anonymous character; while due to the dark background and the spot light on the face, showing the surrounding mystery also creates a sense of crime and animosity making the audience feel on edge. Consequently the connotation of a child is innocence, therefore portraying that the mystery character may be victimising. Also, the lighting is dark and gloomy in this frame to set an atmosphere of death and crime to the audience.

In this image the hidden character cuts out words such as "God". From this zoomed image the audience may perceive him as a superior figure. This is due to the character cutting out the word "God" as the character could  be seen as eliminating him as he sees himself with more power than god as he tries to play the role of god which could suggest the taking of human life. This could also be perceived as him being an arrogant character and due to the title of the thriller, this also relates with the seven deadly sins signifying a religious theme.

This image shows words being scribbled out this creates a sense of mystery as the audience can not view the whole text. Intensifying the thriller due to the words not making sense, making the audience question why he has crossed out them specific words, but also as to why the anonymous character is  reading this specific text; which reads "when you're pregnant" which could relate to the previous image as it suggests he is now playing the role of god through potentially creating human life.

This black and white image is shown throughout which continues the religious theme of the seven deadly sins. The darkness could represent the theme of hell in contrast to the white representing light/ heaven. Shadowing of a tense atmosphere, setting the theme for the film. Also the letters are distorted which makes it seem ghostly

This frame shows a close up of the characters fingers with bandages; which relates to another frame of when the character was slicing his fingers, to hide his identity. This frame shows the outcome of what the character has done to himself, in order to create emphasis of the pain the character will conflict upon himself, to hide his identity. Showing the extremes that the character will go through may trigger to the audience what the character is capable of. This image signifies that the character is still able to carry on despite his cuts, suggesting that cutting himself with a razor happens regularly as no sign of pain is shown

This frame is a high angle point of view shot, showing two drawings of hands on a book. The hands are crooked and therefore are a contrast to each other; which may be to represent good and evil. The contrast between the light and dark lighting intensifies the shadowing to signify that the character may be doing something they shouldn't be, this also emphasises secrecy as they have not made the environment clear to the audience. The shades of light shadows could be seen to symbolise the character wanting to break free from the darkness, the darkness representing conflict, this could also signify the character may have once been seen in a good light but the darkness has over powered this. The dark shadows are seen to be more prominent  over the light shadows which could symbolise the darkness is over taking the characters power and state of mind. This signifies the secrecy behind the image as the character has been portrayed to the audience as anonymous.

The title sequence contains a variety of gritty pictures to enforce the theme of thriller, in order to make the audience feel uncomfortable. The imagery used contains a man cutting off his own finger prints with a razor blade, signifying that he doesn't want his identity to be known. Consequently this is also portrayed throughout the sequence, as the antagonist’s identity is concealed; which creates mystery and a sense of crime.

The first image shown in the opening sequence, is a book with the pages flickering by itself. This is ambiguous as the it does not show to the audience who is flickering the pages or who the book belongs to. The book may be being used to portray the antagonist as intelligent; whilst also being mysterious as they do not reveal themselves. The colour of the writing in this frame, this could be to convey innocence, however we do not know as an audience what it represents yet as it is the first frame. Also the writing is shown to be disorientated; which could represent antagonist as person that may be out of place in society. No clues are given to the audience as it is only the first frame, however it is used to make the audience wonder.

This frame shows a distorted image of a pen on paper. Therefore this creates a ghostly atmosphere to the audience causing an anxious feeling. Furthermore, this close up of the pen and paper could also be associated with investigations and detective work, making it look like a person has put it together for a file or a case therefore these detective props are used consistently through out the title sequence. Also concentrating on what the person is doing, rather than who they are created tension.

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